Skip club selection and Accuracy tracking

Simplify your scorekeeping with golfity's new feature—skip club selection and accuracy tracking for all your shots.

Simplify your scorekeeping with golfity's new feature—skip club selection and accuracy tracking for all your shots.

We know that keeping track of every detail can sometimes slow down your game. Previously, golfity allowed you to skip club selection for individual shots, but many of you asked for even more flexibility. Now, with our new feature, you can choose to skip club selection and accuracy tracking for the entire round, allowing you to focus more on playing and less on data entry.

How It Works

When you start a new round, you'll see an option to skip club selection and accuracy tracking for all your shots. This means you won't be prompted to select a club or rate your shot accuracy after each stroke. It’s perfect for those casual rounds where you just want to enjoy the game without interruption.

Play the Way You Want

Whether you’re in a rush, playing a relaxed round with friends, or simply want to concentrate on the big picture, this new feature helps you simplify your experience. golfity is all about making golf more enjoyable, and skipping club selection for all shots is just one more way to customize the app to fit your style.

Ready to Play?

Try out the new skip club selection feature today! Streamline your game, play at your own pace, and make the most of your time on the course.

Download golfity now and enjoy a more flexible golfing experience!


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